Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Poetic tribute to monthly Imkan edited by Malikzada Manzoor Ahmad by Muslim Saleem
Malikzada Manzoor Ahmad, one of the great poets and writers of Urdu
has been waging a relentless war against the black sheep of Urdu literature. In
the March-April edition of monthly Imkan, he has written an editorial entitled
“Tash-heeri Adab” in which has exposed the people who are hogging limelight
through unfair means in Urdu literary world as well as mushairas. Inspired by
this editorial, I (Muslim Saleem) have written a qata as ode to Monthly Imkan.
Both the qata and the editorial are being posted here for the benefit of Urdu
lovers. It is matter of shame that mutashairs are reciting poetry composed by
others in mushairas and stealing the limelight. Similarly, some magazines are
publishing special issues on insignificant people by taking money from them.
The editorial gives a severe blow to these malicious tendencies. (Muslim Saleem – April 5, 2012)